Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 79 of 124 Fire / Spill - Oxidizing Substances (Hydrogen Peroxide) • Immediately raise alarm with Security and ask them to contact Mines Rescue and the Fire Brigade, • Spill or leak area should be isolated immediately for at least 25m in all directions • Keep upwind and to higher ground • Large spill - consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 100m • Fire – Consider initial evacuation for 800m in all directions Contact Evonik Degussa Peroxide Ltd (Grant Hurley 021 348331) Fire – Flammable Solids (Activated Carbon) • Immediately raise alarm with Security and ask them to contact the Fire Brigade, • Keep upwind and to higher ground • Fire – Consider initial evacuation for 1000m in all directions Radiation Emergency Procedures A radiation incident is an incident adversely affecting, or likely to adversely affect, the health or safety of any person because of the emission of radiation. The following examples would trigger a radiation emergency: • The source housing is found to be leaking as a result of a test (wipe or metered) • The gauge was removed for maintenance and was lost or stolen • The gauge accidentally falls from a height greater than 1 meter, i.e. during a crane lift of the gauge. The following emergency procedures are to be implemented in the event of an incident involving an industrial gauge containing radioactive substances. • Barricade the area with danger tape and restrict access. • Immediately contact the radiation safety officer. Report the incident to your supervisor, Manager and Operations Manager. • Do not attempt to move or interfere with the gauge unless directed by the radiation safety officer. • Remain at an appropriate distance from the gauge (5m minimum). Warn other people in the area, and prevent other people entering the barricaded area. Place radiation signs at the entrance to the barricade. • The radiation safety officer will conduct a radiation survey around the gauge and compare the results with previous monitoring values. The isolation shutter will be turned to the "off" position, and the survey meter used to confirm that shutter is functioning. • If the radiation measurements are not significantly different, and the source is in the shielded position, the gauge will be returned to the store. • If the measurements differ significantly from the established values, or the source cannot be returned to the shielded position, the radiation safety officer should determine the course of action to be taken to render the situation safe (e.g. placing additional shielding over the gauge). Pending advice from the radiation safety officer, access control must be maintained. • The radiation safety officer will notify the possession licensee and the Director of the NRL if the exposure is over limits. The possession licensee and the NRL are to be advised as soon as possible if a radioactive source is unaccounted for. • The gauge involved in an incident is not be used until the radiation safety officer confirms the safety of the gauge by obtaining a certificate of compliance for the gauge from an appropriately accredited person. Refer to Radiation Safety and Protection Plan