Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 75 of 124 Isolation and Protective Zones Isolation Zone (m) Protective Action Zone (m) SUBSTANCE INITIAL LARGE SPILL FIRE INVOLVED Vehicle fire 200 Diesel 15-25 100 500 LPG 100 800 1500 ANFO 25 100 800 Explosives - 800 1600 Cyanide 25 250 800 Hydrochloric Acid 25 250 800 Ferric Chloride 25 250 800 Hydrogen Peroxide 25 250 1000 Activated Carbon - - 1000 Cyanide Refer to Cyanide Management Plan Hazards Inhalation, ingestion, absorption through skin, burns Signs and symptoms of mild or early poisoning include: • Headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. • Initial rapid breathing followed by a sense of suffocation. • Metallic taste in the mouth. • General weakness, heaviness in the arms and legs. • Skin and eye irritation (a burning sensation) may occur following exposure to the gas, as well as irritation to the nose and throat. Severe cyanide poisoning is characterised by: • A cherry red complexion • Gasping for breath • Loss of consciousness • Cessation of breathing and death. PPE Full protection should always be worn • chemical splash goggles • gloves (butyl or neoprene) • PVC suit • PVC boots • Full face mask with cylinder canister OR • Self contained breathing apparatus • Electronic hydrogen cyanide detector. Self Contained breathing apparatus; monitoring equipment and personal protective equipment are kept in cabinets located at Mill Office veranda. A PPE (CN) box is also located in the mixing shed. If the wind direction prevents access to the Mill Office veranda, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be obtained from Stores.