Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 72 of 124 Appendix N Site Spill Plan Control • Shut down machines & pumps • Close valve • Isolate pipe/ control leak • Use plug & dike (spill kits) Containment If leak is contained within a bund, drain, pond: • Notify Supervisor • Initiate Clean-up If leak is not contained within a bund, drain, pond: • Use spill trays or empty containers • Build earth or sand bunds • Use absorbent socks and booms (spill kits) • Use spill kit bins to drain off liquids from leaking drums Prevent spill from entering drainage systems Use floating booms/socks if contamination reaches streams and rivers. Call for Environmental Dept. Clean Up • Clean up contaminants as soon as possible • Use absorbent mats (can be squeezed out) • Use plastic bags supplied in spill kits or drums • Use absorbent Zeolite (contact Stores or Pit Workshop) All hydrocarbons whether they occur on site or in transit to or from the operations and regardless of size of volume must be cleaned up. All contaminated soils must be excavated, handled and remediate appropriate to the climatic and operating conditions. Decontaminate equipment, clothing, and personnel on site if safe to do so. Label all contaminated equipment in appropriate storage container/bags. Spill Disposal • Refer to the Hydrocarbon Management Plan.