Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 58 of 124 Area Area Description Check for Personnel Muster Point # Area 1 Gold Room • Gold Room • Office/MCC • Elution Building • Reagent area • Electrolyte and Cyanide mixing area North Area 2 Training • Training Offices • LPG Area • Lime Silo at CV8 North Area 3 WTP • Reagent areas • Control room and tanks • Ponds • RO Plant • Polishing Pond Stockpile North Area 4 Transfer Station • Hut • Transfer station • CV2 from tunnel to transfer • CV8 from tunnel to bridge North Area 5 Stores • All storage bays • All office areas • Stores Yard South Area 6 Processing Workshops /Offices • All offices • Engineering workshop • MCC Shed • Blower Shed South Area 7 Thickener & Conveyor 5 • Thickener • CV5 conveyor area • Scats Tower • Reclaim Hopper South Area 8 SAG Mill & Ball Mill Tanks • All Floors of SAG & Ball Mills • Tanks and tails • Tank 1A Operator hut South Area 9 UG Amenities • Amenities Building • Offices South Area 10 UG Workshops & Core Shed • UG mechanical workshops • UG wash bay • Core shed • Storage containers South