Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 51 of 124 Terms Definition Planning The function that prepares and updates Action Plans, and other plans such as long-term or contingency plans. Principal Hazard Any hazard that may have the potential to cause multiple fatalities Public Information Management (PIM) The function that, during an incident, prepares, distributes, and monitors information to and from the media and the public. Readiness One of the ‘4 Rs’ of emergency management. Readiness means developing operational systems and capabilities before an emergency happens, including self-help and response programs for the general public, and specific programs for emergency services, lifeline utilities, and other agencies. Resources All personnel, supplies, facilities and equipment available, or potentially available, for assignment to incidents. Response One of the ‘4 Rs’ of emergency management. Response means actions taken immediately before, during, or directly after an emergency to save or protect lives and property, and to bring the consequences of the emergency to a point of stability that allows Recovery to take over. Recovery Manager To develop recovery plans to include the identification, coordination and management of long and short-term goals and the resources required for them to be achieved. Risk The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. Risk is measured in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event and their likelihood. Risk may have a positive or negative impact. Risk Management The culture, processes and structures that are directed towards realizing potential opportunities whilst managing adverse effects Road-Block A barrier or obstruction preventing or limiting the passage of vehicles. SitReps see situation report Situation Report A brief description of an incident, usually given at regular intervals. Situational Awareness An understanding and appreciation of the complexities of an incident including an understanding of the environment, the situation, likely developments, and implications SSE Site Senior Executive TARPs Trigger Action Response Plans Technical Expert An adviser with specialist skills or knowledge that is needed to support incident operations. Triage A process for sorting patients according to severity of condition. Forward triage is a rapid assessment completed inside the inner cordon; it is followed by secondary triage which generally occurs in the casualty clearing area. Triage status usually determines the order and speed in which patients are taken to the treatment area and also helps priorities where and when patients will be taken to more definitive care. Windrow A continuous mound of loose material, of appropriate height, placed at the toe or crest of a slope as a barricade to falling objects or to prevent personnel/mine equipment from falling inadvertently down pit walls. Can also be referred to as a bund.