Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 45 of 124 17.0 INCIDENT TEAM CONTACTS A list of Incident Team contacts will be held in each of the Incident Management Role Profile Packs, the IMT Briefcases and the IMT Database. These will be reviewed and maintained on a quarterly basis (refer Appendices). 18.0 EXTERNAL CONTACTS Emergency Services A list of stakeholder contact details will be held in each of the Incident Management Role Profile Packs, the IMT briefcases and the IMT Database. These will be reviewed and maintained on an annual basis. 19.0 PREVENTION OGNZL’s mining activities, by their nature, have the potential to impact the health and safety of people, the environment and communities. These impacts must be identified, evaluated and managed to minimise the risks. The OceanaGold Heath, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) compliance standards are an integral part of OGNZL’s business and provide the basis for a HSEC management system. The implementation and maintenance of the HSEC management system provides the means to manage and minimise risks, comply with legislation and OceanaGold Standards, and provides the framework for continuous improvement in Health, Safety, Environment and Community management and performance. HSEC Compliance Standards follow a hierarchical structure where documents must meet and support the requirements of those of higher levels (see Figure 1). This PHMP sits in the fifth tier as an Operation Specific Document. The scope of the HSEC Compliance Standards cover all activities undertaken by OceanaGold employees and contractors that have the potential to affect Health, Safety, Environmental and Community performance. The HSEC Compliance Standards apply to all operations and facilities, including the entire lifecycle of operations, from exploration through to operation and closure, until lease relinquishment occurs. Figure 2: OceanaGold Hierachy of Documents