Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 44 of 124 16.0 TRAINING Emergency Personnel Training Training for first response personnel (ERT Members) will be conducted in accordance with the annual ERT Training plan approved by the HSE Manager. Training for Incident Management Team members shall be on at least an annual basis and include a full desktop scenario. Training for Crisis Management Team members will be as per Oceana Gold corporate requirements. Table 9 Training Requirements Trainee Training Requirement All Staff & Contractors All Oceanagold personnel shall receive required site-specific skill and knowledge during mandatory induction training, refresher training, and ongoing job safety training as per the Waihi site training plan. Familiar with our sites Emergency Management process. Trained on the principles and processes in this procedure with a theory assessment Additional training will be conducted whenever significant changes are made to the Management Plan All persons affected by the requirements of this plan shall have an understanding of the plan and their roles and responsibilities Supervisors All of the above All UG production supervisor will be required to be full trained and obtain a B Grade quarry / tunnel managers certificate of competence and Level 4 CIMS Incident Management Team (IMT) members – may consist of foreman, superintendents and technical service personnel Emergency management training IAP development training CIMS 2, 4 Desk top emergency scenario training Mine Incident Controllers (MIC) Level 4 CIMS Emergency Response Team Members (Mines Rescue Team) Full medical upon joining, and annual 12 month health assessment Fitness test – minimum requirement for full operational ER members BG4 and SCBA breathing apparatus training Rope rescue Confined Space PHEC Medics Lifting bag operations Vehicle extraction Underground search and rescue Underground fire Surface fire HAZMAT response