Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 42 of 124 Underground Mines Emergency Protocol – Police Actions This action plan has been developed from the NZ Police and what they do once a level three incident has been declared. The following action points must be taken (these are not necessarily in a priority order). Table 8 UG Mines Emergency Protocol – Police Actions Underground Mines Emergency Protocol – Police Actions 15.10.1 Police Liaison Officer Dispatch a Police Liaison Officer and at least one other Police staff member with their mobility devices to the mine. The Police Liaison Officer will be a person trained in CIMS (minimum) and will have completed the SAR Managers course. Task the Police Liaison Officer and other staff member to communicate the initial response Incident Action Plan (IAP) and any subsequent IAP to Hamilton District Police Headquarters as soon as possible (this may include photographing the IAP and driving to cell coverage, e-mail the photo). 15.10.2 Perimeter Control Establish perimeter control at the gate. The mine company indicates it will allocate staff to gate security, however a police presence may be required, even if only initially. 15.10.3 Communication Establish communication with the mine and the Mines Incident Controller. If the operation is to be an extended one, consider obtaining Vodafone enhancement of the cell net if necessary. 15.10.4 Police Forward Controller Appoint a Police Forward Controller to manage all Police functions (including support and staff to the perimeter control and mine). The Police Incident Controller will be based at Waihi Mine. As a priority, the Police Incident Controller will dispatch staff to the Waihi Gold Education center - establish family liaison, including communicating with families that this is the meeting point, and arranging welfare and psychosocial support for families. This will include activating the local CD Welfare Plan. 15.10.5 Advise District Commander Advise the District Commander via the District Command Centre and provide SitReps. The District Commander will assume the role of Emergency Coordinator. 15.10.6 Emergency Coordination Centre/Local Controller Establish Emergency Coordination Centre/Local Controller (LC) at the Waihi Gold Moresby Ave offices (Royal Room). This will require a 2IC, Planning/Intel and Logistics Officers. They will receive the initial response IAP, arrange any support required by the Mines Incident Controller and (prepare to) brief the Emergency Coordinator. Keep the District Commander briefed. 15.10.7 Activate Ambulance Confirm activation of Ambulance and advise DHB of likely incoming injured. Dispatch liaison and security to the hospital as required. 15.10.8 Activate National Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Plan Advise Police National Headquarters; National Command Control Centre; request the National DVI plan to be activated.