Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 35 of 124 • approved only by MIC • primary task of Intel / Planning • consideration of parallel planning (may require sub groups within Intel/planning) • states strategies • operational period of the IAP • assignments and accountabilities • communication plan • utilize common IAP templates (CIMS) • risk assessments attached to all IAPs • Utilize common RA templates (agreed as industry best practice. Suggested JHA type task orientated and commonality of design) • Any approved IAP’s can only implemented by operations according to that IAP. • Operations must abide by risk assessment conditions according to approved IAP Response Documents CIMS relies on the use of standardized templates to aid information management, information collation and analysis, planning and decision-making. ICP areas and Emergency boards have been based on the CIMs model to assist when external agencies are involved so that all parties are using a similar system. 13.0 TESTING To make sure that the mine and its workers are ready in the event of an emergency mine operators should: • Test the plan during the year using simulated emergencies. o UG crews perform trial evacuations eight times a year. o Processing and surface personnel at Baxter Rd perform surface trial evacuations four times a year. o Open pit and development site trial evacuation once a year each. o Moresby Ave offices trial evacuation twice a year. o IMT scenario to test the plan to a level 3 incident once a year. • Conduct investigations after any emergency events. • Regularly inspect, check and ensure that all emergency equipment is working including: − Alternative breathing equipment − Refuge stations and other places of safety − Firefighting equipment − First aid equipment − Any other critical equipment contained in the plan. • provide regular Mine Rescue training for emergency response workers at the mine, and • Recruit, train and retain sufficient emergency response workers to implement the plan. The adequacy of the maintenance and inspection programs identified in the CCCS is ensured by the Document Owner and the SSE conjointly reviewing the CCCS on completion.