Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 24 of 124 10.0 EVACUATION Surface Operations: There are two types of evacuation dependent on the emergency: • Local evacuation to a muster point • Complete Mine site evacuation to an alternative Control point Muster Points When an evacuation of a specific area is signaled all personnel must vacate the defined area and proceed to the relevant Muster Point (refer Appendices A, B, C and D). The area will be secured in an appropriate manner and sentries placed to prevent access to the area. The Chief Warden must account for all employees, contractors and visitors. Duty cards are located at the Muster Points for Warden Duties (e.g. Emergency Services Escort duties and Bridge Traffic control.) Refer to appendices. Site Evacuation When a site evacuation is signaled, every person on site who is not required to assist in the emergency must go to one of the muster points and be accounted for. Personnel numbers, names and Company contacts that are registered as on site are available by requesting a current site numbers list from Security. Rescue workers are exempt from this requirement. The Incident Controller must account for rescue workers. When moving to an evacuation point, care must be taken to avoid moving into a potentially hazardous situation. Take note of where the emergency is and move away from the area, taking particular note of wind direction as indicated by one of several wind socks located around the sites. Large chemical emergencies at the Processing Plant may require complete evacuation from Site. This will mean mustering at Baxter’s Road Gate or Clarke Street gate or Moore Street gate or Barry Road gate depending on wind conditions. If this does become reality, then some Mine arranged Transport will be required to relocate affected personnel to another designated control point (eg Moresby Ave Waihi Gold offices, or, Waihi Gold Education Building). This will be determined through an Incident Action Plan (IAP) from the Incident Management Team (IMT). If it is likely that the emergency may affect the surrounding Waihi community residents, then the ICP may be located in the Waihi Gold Moresby Ave office Empire Room. NZ Police are responsible for any evacuation outside of the mining licence/permit area. The Company may also become involved in chemical spill clean-up off site, either for advice on how to treat or for requests for neutralizing agents such as oxidizing agents in the case of a cyanide spill. Control of external roads and vehicle movement is the responsibility of the NZ Police. Waihi Operations has a responsibility to prevent people entering a hazardous environment hence in an emergency situation it may be necessary to establish road blocks on public roads prior to the NZ Police arriving on the scene (refer to Appendix H). The control of such roadblocks would be handed over to the NZ Police upon their arrival. An evacuation will be communicated via: • Mines - over the Mine RT system (including U/G RT system) • Processing Plant – Mine RT system or the evacuation siren Explosives Magazine Emergency Evacuation The main purpose of the “Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plans”, are to provide a detailed plan for management of all aspects of storage, handling and use of explosives at the Waihi Underground and Surface operations. These documents are commonly referred as the Principal Hazard Management Plan (PHMP) for Underground Explosives Management Plan and the Surface Explosives Management; and can be