Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 18 of 124 5.0 OGL CRISIS MANAGEMENT INTERFACE The interface between this Emergency Management Plan and the Corporate Crisis Management Plan is critical to handling very serious incidents. If incidents grow in complexity and scale, the responsibility for directing the company’s overall response may shift to higher levels in the organization. This escalation in responsibility is necessary because the response may require provision of national or international expertise and equipment, may become the focus of media attention, and may require increased funds and management to address a wider range of environmental, social and economic consequences. This Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is designed to assist in protecting OGC from the corporate consequences of a crisis event, whether sudden (emergency) or escalating in nature, by ensuring prompt and effective handling of the strategic, contractual and public image aspects arising. Corporate Crisis Management is activated by the Site Senior Executive or Mine Incident Controller when a situation involves or has the potential to involve any of the following: • Threatens the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, neighboring communities or the public at large. • Significantly affect the company’s ability to carry out its business. • Damage the company’s reputation, threatens the environment. Figure 1: Crisis Management Team 6.0 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE DOCUMENTS There are several key documents that form part of the emergency management processes at Waihi Operations. These documents are designed to complement the Waihi emergency management processes, in line with OceanaGold Corporate requirements. Practical and desktop exercises are carried out to make sure all relevant personnel have adequate knowledge of these documents. Exercises are carried out with a frequency that ensures that the EMP can be rapidly, effectively and safely activated and implemented. The critical documents are outlined below. CMT Leader Divisional Executive Information Coordinator Log Keepers Telephone Support IMT Leader External Affairs Coordinator Governance Coordinator HR Coordinator HSE Coordinator