Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 13 of 124 Manning Levels The number of personnel on site at any given time can vary greatly. The numbers below are indicative of normal maximum numbers expected to be on site at these times. Daytime Monday - Friday Night & Weekends Plant Shutdown Days 150 50 200 2.2.1 Emergency Response Manning Levels (ERT) Emergency manning is set up to have a minimum of 12 ERT responders (two teams of 6) within twenty minutes of notification available to respond when mines rescue pagers are activated. Target department manning levels: • Underground: 15 Mines Rescue Team Members. • Surface: 15 Mines Rescue Team Members 2.2.2 Surface response level There is trained and competent personnel on surface at all times to conduct initial emergency response. They are to raise the alarm, carry out evacuation duties and take any necessary steps to keep workers safe. 3.0 ACTIVATING THE MINES RESCUE PROTOCOL NZ Police have developed an SOP which sits in their system for their communications team to activate in the event of a major underground emergency. This will need to be activated during a 111 call from the Incident Controller (IC) or the Mines Incident Controller (MIC) to notify Police that a Level 3 emergency event has occurred at the Mine. The 111 call should be scripted in advance and readily available for the Incident Controller making the call. There should be a clear directive that instructs the caller to ask for the “POLICE”. The following script has been consulted and agreed with Industry members, New Zealand Police, WorkSafe NZ and NZ Mines Rescue Service: “We have a major underground mining emergency at the Waihi Mine Site. Please activate the Underground Mine and Tunneling Operations Emergencies standard operating procedure” The NZ Police representative will ask further questions in order to obtain as much information as possible to confirm that there is in fact, a major underground mining emergency and that the Police SOP is to be activated. Mine operators are to give as much information as possible, including the fact that there are multiple personnel unaccounted for, or accounted for and trapped.