15 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Storage and use of hazardous substances at Willows Road site and the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Control measure Facility and substances Purpose of control Diesel, ANE and Class 1 explosives Segregation of incompatible substances SFA Diesel, ANE, gasser, oxygen, acetylene and Class 1 explosives WUG Diesel, ANE, gasser and Class 1 explosives Minimises additional adverse consequences from a spill or fire by preventing reactive substances from mixing in the storage area. Substance secured from unauthorised access SFA ANE and Class 1 explosives WUG ANE and Class 1 explosives Limits access to trained personnel and minimises the potential for operator error or tampering. Emergency response planning SFA Diesel, ANE, gasser, lime and Class 1 explosives WUG Diesel, ANE, gasser and Class 1 explosives Describes the emergency procedures for a site and takes into account any foreseeable emergency such as a fire, spill or injury. Emergency Response Plans must be regularly tested by the site. These plans help to minimise the consequence of an emergency event, such as through preventing a small spill reaching a drain, extinguishing a small fire or enabling safe evacuation of an effected area. Separation from public and protected spaces SFA Diesel, ANE, acetylene and Class 1 explosives WUG Diesel, ANE and Class 1 explosives Minimises any adverse event in the store impacting on public places or protected places, and correspondingly any off-site event from impacting the store. Certified handler SFA Class 1 explosives WUG Class 1 explosives A Certified Handler is a person who is trained and qualified (holds a Certified Handler Compliance Certificate) to handle acutely toxic or explosive substances. This control restricts activities involving these substances to people with demonstrated competency. Hazardous Substances Location Compliance certification required SFA Diesel, ANE and Class 1 explosives WUG Diesel, ANE and Class 1 explosives Independently certifies that the hazardous substance location where explosive, flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances are stored or used, has in place all applicable controls and notifications to manage the hazards (such as segregation of incompatibles, secondary containment, access restrictions). Stationary Container System Compliance certification required SFA Diesel WUG Diesel Independently certifies that the tank or process container and associated equipment is safe and complies with the standards for tank design, such as providing secondary containment, pressure relief and overfill protections. Separation from land use activities according to potential SFA Diesel, ANE and Class 1 explosives WUG Minimum separation distances for blast overpressure levels are specified to ensure that people and structures are located at a suitable distance from the explosive hazard for protection from adverse effects.