Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Underground Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plan Approved by: SSE/ General Manager Approval Date:11/05/2021 Next Review: 08/04/2022 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-400-PLN-007 Page 21 of 27 APPENDIX I – UNDERGROUND EXPLOSIVES PHMP SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS The following Standard Operating Procedures, Management Plans and Site Standards are managed electronically on the OGNZL intranet document control centre. Document Name Type Owner Department General Safety General Underground Induction Induction OGNZL Underground Job Hazard Analysis Standard OGNZL Management Waihi Risk Management Standard Standard OGNZL Management Waihi Underground Risk Register Register OGNZL Underground Explosives Storage and Handling Disposing of Explosive Packaging SOP OGNZL Underground Disposing of Explosive Product SOP OGNZL Underground Handle and Transport Explosives SOP OGNZL Underground Surface Magazine Operations (Underground) SOP OGNZL Underground Charging and Firing Development Charging SOP OGNZL Underground Development Design Approval SOP OGNZL Underground Underground Firing SOP OGNZL Underground Planning and Mining of Development Breakthroughs SOP OGNZL Underground Production Charging SOP OGNZL Underground Vibration Management Plan MP OGNZL Environment Working from an Elevated Cage Underground SOP OGNZL Underground Working Near Vertical Edges SOP OGNZL Underground Re-entry and Misfires Management of Misfires in Headings SOP OGNZL Underground Protection of Electrical Cables During Firing SOP OGNZL Underground Re-entry After Firing SOP OGNZL Underground Miscellaneous Electrical Testing of Mains Firing System SOP OGNZL Underground Hot Work Procedure SOP OGNZL Maintenance Charge Vehicle Possession Handover Form OGNZL Maintenance Service Crew Training Material OGNZL Underground Waihi Procurement Guidelines GUI OGNZL Commercial