Waihi Underground Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plan Approved by: SSE/ General Manager Approval Date:11/05/2021 Next Review: 08/04/2022 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-400-PLN-007 Page 14 of 27 • Any person handling cases or packages containing explosives must ensure that the cases or packages are not opened or closed in a magazine unless they can be opened without using tools of any kind • If tools are used to open or close any package or case containing explosive, the tools are not made of ferrous material or any other material that could generate a spark • The Approved Handler must ensure that all explosives in a magazine are marked in accordance with the New Zealand regulations • Any damaged or otherwise defective or unsatisfactory packages containing explosives are not stored in a magazine and that any explosives contained in such a package are immediately repacked in a sound and satisfactory package • The magazine shall be evacuated and secured during an electrical storm and not re-entered until 30 minutes after the last occurrence of thunder For more information on explosives storage facilities refer to the magazine and explosives storage procedures for Waihi Underground operations; see Appendix I for document details. 5.5 Damaged or Deteriorated Explosives Any explosives that are damaged, out of date, leaking, exuding or otherwise defective or deteriorated, are destroyed and disposed of in a manner as described in site procedures for Disposing of Explosive Product (see Appendix I for document details). Bins are provided in the magazines for defective explosives as identified above. Segregation rules apply as per normal explosives and detonators. Where safe and practical, unsafe packaged explosives and detonators are to be disposed of in the next appropriate blast. ANFO is to be disposed of by dissolving with water; this is to be done under direct supervision of an authorised person. Where the quantity of explosives to be disposed of is excessive (>10 kilograms packaged product), they are to be stored and returned to the supplier for disposal. For more information on damaged or deteriorated explosives refer to the procedures for disposing of explosive products; see Appendix I for document details. 5.6 Inspections and Stocktake A full stock take of the surface magazine must be undertaken every shift by the authorised Charge-Up Operator. An additional stock take is undertaken twice a week by either the Underground Storeman or Production Engineer. Any explosive product removed or returned to the magazine must be booked in or out in the logbook. If there is a discrepancy found during the stocktake that cannot be immediately resolved, the Shift Supervisor must be informed before the stocktake person leaves the magazine. If the discrepancy cannot be resolved before the end of shift, then an incident must be raised, and the Underground Manager notified. Monthly management inspections are completed on the magazine facility and compound area and a signed checklist is filled out and kept on record. The Mining Manager is responsible for ensuring all corrective actions are followed up and completed on time. For more information refer to the underground procedure for magazines; see Appendix I for document details. 6 EXPLOSIVES USE 6.1 Transport to and from Charging Site Explosives are to be transported to the area of use in accordance with site procedures which require: • Only authorised, trained and competent people may handle explosives. • Only approved vehicles can be used to transport explosives • Explosives, detonators and blasting agents must be transported in separate approved containers For more information refer to the underground procedure for explosives handling and transport; see Appendix I for document details.