Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Underground Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plan Approved by: SSE/ General Manager Approval Date:11/05/2021 Next Review: 08/04/2022 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-400-PLN-007 Page 12 of 27 • Compliance and maintenance of the standards of all magazine rules (section 5.4) • Conduct daily stocktake of magazine • Any discrepancies are reported to the Shift Supervisor as per the site procedures (section 5.6) 4.7 Underground Maintenance Superintendent It is the responsibility of the Underground Maintenance Superintendent to ensure that: • The maintenance schedule is adhered to (section 7.2) • All tests and inspections are carried out as per standard operating procedures (section 7.2) 4.8 Employees All employees are required to ensure compliance with all procedures in relation to explosives. They must not handle, transport, charge or fire explosives unless they have been trained, assessed, ticketed, and authorised to do so, or under direct supervision of an authorised person. 4.9 Competency and Training All authorised persons and all other employees involved in handling, transport, charging or firing explosives will be trained in standard operating procedures and systems. Training records will be maintained and kept on site and can be viewed upon request. Approved Handlers must have the appropriate certificates, a copy of which is kept on their training file. Only people who hold an Approved Handler qualification may handle explosives. Only people who hold a controlled substance licence may have unsupervised access to explosives. 5 EXPLOSIVES DELIVERY AND STORAGE 5.1 Explosives Used on Site All explosive products used at Waihi Underground must have an approved SDS from the supplier which is readily accessible to all personnel working with explosives. Explosives used at OGNZL include bulk explosives (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) and emulsion), packaged explosives and electronic, electric and non-electric detonators. Explosive precursors, emulsion phase and gasser, are stored in the magazine facility though they are not classified as an explosive product until mixed (prior to mixing they are hazardous substances). Mixing of the products does not occur until immediately prior to charging therefore they are not stored, handled or transported as explosives. If any new products are introduced to site, they are subject to the same risk assessment, testing and management strategies as the explosives currently in use. 5.2 Delivery and Receipting of Explosives Explosives are delivered to site by an approved dangerous goods transport provider. All explosives transport vehicles must comply with the relevant site standards and all operators must be inducted to drive unaccompanied to the underground office block or be accompanied by a site escort. When explosives are delivered, they must be placed in the surface magazines in accordance with site procedures. This necessitates an Authorised Person to be present whilst unloading explosives. The Authorised Person must: • Check off all explosives against the delivery docket as they are unloaded into the appropriate magazines • Sign the delivered explosives in to the magazine logbook • Sign the delivery docket to verify the explosives received match those listed on the docket, any discrepancies will be reported to the Production Engineer immediately. • Lock the magazines • Give the signed delivery docket to a Production Engineer to process as received through stores