Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Underground Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plan Approved by: SSE/ General Manager Approval Date:11/05/2021 Next Review: 08/04/2022 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-400-PLN-007 Page 9 of 27 2.3.4 Training and Competency Department managers must ensure that all personnel are trained and assessed as competent in the identification of safety, environmental & community hazards, losses, issues and impacts and assessing the level of associated risk. OGNZL are required to ensure that the risk assessment process is conducted in a consistent manner by personnel who are experienced in the individual process/activity or hazard being assessed. 3 RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS The main risk to mining personnel regarding explosives is unplanned initiation; to the local community, the main risk is exceeding maximum vibration levels stipulated in the OGNZL mining consents and jeopardising the company’s license to operate. In order to eliminate, isolate or minimise these hazards to an acceptable level, control measures for the following aspects of explosives use on site must be considered: • Explosives transport • Secure storage facilities • Disposal of deteriorated or damaged explosive products • Fire • Maintenance of explosives charging/transportation equipment • Operator/handler competency and training • Management of misfires • Emergency preparedness • Charging as per approved plans The tools and processes used by OGNZL to manage explosives related risks include but are not limited to: • Compliance with applicable New Zealand Acts and Regulations • Standard operating procedures and management plans (including this PHMP) covering all aspects of explosives use, handling and transport • Operator/handler training and testing of competency in above procedures • Explosives equipment maintenance • Fire suppression systems • Risk assessments • Vibration Monitoring • Workplace inspections • Management inspections • Planned task observations • JHAs • Safety audits • Emergency Response Team on call 24/7 The results of the annual risk review regarding explosives at Waihi Underground are detailed in Appendix III. The remainder of this document will outline the control measures in place to manage the risks and hazards identified in this section and in the risk register.