Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Underground Explosive Principal Hazard Management Plan Approved by: SSE/ General Manager Approval Date:11/05/2021 Next Review: 08/04/2022 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-400-PLN-007 Page 7 of 27 (a) substituting (wholly or partly) the hazard giving rise to the risk with something that gives rise to a lesser risk: (b) isolating the hazard giving rise to the risk to prevent any person coming into contact with it: (c) implementing engineering controls. (4) If a risk then remains, the PCBU must minimise the remaining risk, so far as is reasonably practicable, by implementing administrative controls. (5) If a risk then remains, the PCBU must minimise the remaining risk by ensuring the provision and use of suitable personal protective equipment. 2.3 Risk Assessment Process 2.3.1 Risk Management The OceanaGold risk management process is shown below in Figure 2. Assessments are undertaken using the risk ranking table, risk matrix and risk management table detailed in Appendix ll. Identify Risk Establish the Context Analyse Risk Evaluate Risk Treat Risk Communicate & Consult Monitor & Review Risk Assessment Figure 2 – Waihi Risk Management Process The underground risk register is reviewed and updated annually by the department manager, technical specialists, mine safety representative and mine operators. This holistic review includes assessment of all significant risks concerning explosives in the underground mining operation. Each risk is given context, assigned a consequence and likelihood index and then plotted on the risk opportunity matrix. If the resultant risk ranking is not deemed satisfactory, a number of additional controls are introduced to bring the residual risk ranking down to an acceptable level. Relevant industry significant accident/incident investigation reports are reviewed by senior personnel and the risk register updated as necessary The risk register includes the following elements for each risk: • A description of the risk • A list of existing controls • The current consequence rating • The current likelihood ratings (with existing controls) • The resulting assessed current risk level • A list of future controls (if applicable)