Supporting Technical Assessments

12 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Storage and use of hazardous substances at Willows Road site and the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Figure 3.4: Underground storage facility location in relation to surface vents (source: GSS, 2021. Note: Site numbering has been adjusted for consistency with more recent reports) The surface connection locations, zoning under the HDP and public accessibility are detailed inTable 3.1 below. Table 3.1: Description of surface connections (GSS, 2021) Site ID1 Zone Description Proximity to WUG Site 1 – Waihi Portal Martha Mineral The portal for receipt of the ore for processing at the nearby processing plant. This is within OGNZL’s industrial site and is not accessible to the public. Approximately 10 km southeast of the WUG. Site 2 – Willows Portal Rural The main access portal to the mine consists of a large horizontal type decline that is used as the main entry/ exit route to the WUG. Approximately 7 km southeast of the WUG. Site 3 – Willows Rd Farm Fresh Air Intake Rural This fresh air intake connection is location within OGNZL owned land at the northern end of the Willows Road site. Approximately 6 km from the WUG. Site 4 – WUG Rise #1 Conservation (Indigenous Forest) The WUG Rise #1, #2 and #3 are each located within the HDC paper road boundary in a remote forested area. This road is not maintained as a public walkway. However, each proposed location will consist of a 10 m x 10 m area Approximately 0.9 km from the WUG Class 1 store. Site 5 – WUG Rise #2 Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Approximately 0.6 km from the WUG Class 1 store. Proposed Underground Storage Facility – 380 m below surface Surface Portals/ Ventilation shafts which require consideration for controlled zones in the event of unintended detonation. Site 4 - WUG Rise #1 Site 5 - WUG Rise #2 Site 6 - WUG Rise #3 Site 3 - Willows Rd Farm, Fresh Air Intake Site 2 - Willows Rd Farm, Portal