Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Surface Explosives Principal Management Plan Approved by: General Manager Approval Date: 15/10/2017 Next Review: Archived OceanaGold Waihi Doc ID: WAI-350-PLN-003 Page 21 of 31 8. VIBRATION CONTROL Drill and blast control is critical at Waihi due to the proximity of residential housing to mining operations. The mining consents require that vibration levels, at the boundary of residential properties not owned by the company, are not to exceed the following limits at Martha Open Pit: Table 1 – Martha Vibration Limits Maximum Vibration Level – Mining Licence EMMA Consent 95% compliant with 5.0 mm/s Vmax 5mm/s Vmax 10 mm/s Blasting shall be restricted to within the following hours:  Monday to Friday – 1000 to 1500 hours  Saturday – 1000 to 1200 hours Blasting frequency is limited to 50 shots per month. Full details on vibration management are contained within the existing OGNZL Vibration Management plan; refer to Appendix I for document details. 9. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS OGNZL has well established management plans to deal with emergencies on site. These include dealing with fires and evacuation procedures where there is a risk of an uncontrolled explosion. A highly competent and well trained Emergency Response Team (ERT) is on call 24/7 to respond to any emergency on site. All information on site emergency preparedness is detailed in the management plans and procedures already in place; refer to Appendix I for document details. 10. AUDIT AND REVIEW The SSE is responsible for ensuring this PHMP is reviewed for effectiveness:  At least once every two years after the date this PHMP is approved by the SSE  Following an incident where this principal hazard is identified as a contributing factor  Following a change in the management structure that may affect this PHMP  Following a change in plant used or installed at the mining operation that may affect this PHMP A review of this PHMP should include a review of the risk assessment in relation to this principal hazard. Records of all reviews and revisions must be kept for at least twelve months from the date the mining operation is abandoned. OGNZL must, on request, provide these records to an inspector or a site health and safety representative. The SSE must organise for an external audit to be conducted at least once every three years from the date this document is approved by the SSE. The external audit should be carried out by a competent person who is independent of the mining operation. Details of the above audits should be retained for twelve months from the date at which the mining operation is abandoned.