Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Surface Explosives Principal Management Plan Approved by: General Manager Approval Date: 15/10/2017 Next Review: Archived OceanaGold Waihi Doc ID: WAI-350-PLN-003 Page 20 of 31 Only the Drill and Blast Supervisor or his nominated Approved Handler shall attempt to handle or remove any component of any unfired hole or damaged detonator or booster. For more information refer to the procedure for misfires; see Appendix I for document details. 7. CHARGING EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE 7.1 Equipment 7.1.1 Charging and Transport Certified blast truck/s are used to transport explosives to the charge site and charge all shots in Martha Open Pit. Any vehicle transporting explosives must be equipped with a flashing red light, explosives signs and a fire suppression system (can be a fixed system such as AFFF and/or fire extinguishers). 7.1.2 Firing All shots initiated with electronic detonation systems are fired with Daveytronics blast equipment. 7.2 Maintenance 7.2.1 Special Precautions Prior to any explosives equipment undergoing maintenance the following considerations need to be taken into account:  Remove all explosives and wash down machine before servicing  Use hot work permits where relevant ie outside of the workshop area 7.2.2 Equipment  Initial inspection before work commences  Pre-start  Regular PM  OGNZL to periodically audit contractor maintenance record 7.2.3 Preventative Maintenance All equipment used at Martha Open Pit is subject to a preventative maintenance program. All equipment is should be maintained on a routine basis so appropriate checks, inspections and tests can be carried out. The blast trucks are serviced regularly. A Maintenance Clearance checklist for vehicles which carry explosives is completed prior to any maintenance work being completed.