11 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Storage and use of hazardous substances at Willows Road site and the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 3.2 WUG The WUG ore body is located beneath the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone as shown on Figure 3.3. Due to the depth at which the Class 1 explosives facility is proposed to be located, the receiving environment relevant to the impacts to off-site people, property or the environment is considered to be in the vicinity of the surface connections. An isometric view of the surface connection locations is also included as Figure 3.4 below, two of which (the portal and one vent shaft) are on the Willows Road portal site described in Section 2.2.1 above. Figure 3.3: Surrounding land zoning of areas around the WUG mine, blue dots showing indicative location of surface connections (source: OGNZL) In the event of an unintended detonation in the underground explosives storage facility, the overpressure would propagate through the mine space and be expelled at the surface connections, which include the access portal, fresh air intakes and return air rises. The surface connection configuration is illustrated inFigure 3.4 below. These locations are the key sites at which there is potential for effects on off-site people or property in the event of an unintended detonation at the storage facility.