Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Surface Explosives Principal Management Plan Approved by: General Manager Approval Date: 15/10/2017 Next Review: Archived OceanaGold Waihi Doc ID: WAI-350-PLN-003 Page 12 of 31  Ensure the blast exclusion zone is clear of personnel and equipment and each entry point is guarded (section 6.5.3) 4.6 Blast Controller It is the responsibility of the blast controller to ensure:  Blasting times are communicated to all personnel  The required number of blast guards are allocated to prevent entry into the blast exclusion zone (section 6.5.1)  Confirm blast guards have cleared the pit prior to firing (section 6.5)  Sound audible alarms to warn personnel that a blast is imminent and to give the all clear when blasting is complete (section 6.5)  Ensure blast exclusion zones are set for all blasts 4.7 Blast Guard It is the responsibility of the Blast Guard to:  Block and guard possible entrances to the blast exclusion zone as directed by the Blast Controller during designated firing times.  Comply with requirements of relevant SOP’s. 4.8 HSEC Manager Ensure compliance audits are conducted against this plan as required by legislation and corporate standards. 4.9 Employees All employees are required to ensure compliance with all procedures in relation to explosives. They must not handle, transport, charge or fire explosives unless they have been trained, assessed, ticketed, and if required, appointed to do so. 4.10 Competency and Training All appointed persons and all other employees involved in handling, transport, charging or firing explosives will be trained under standard operations procedures and systems. Training records will be maintained and kept on site and can be viewed upon request. Approved Handlers must have the appropriate certificates, a copy of which is kept on their training file. Only persons who hold a Controlled Substance Licence (CSL) and appropriate Approved Handlers licence or persons who are under the direct supervision of a holder of these licences will be permitted to handle, transport and charge with explosives. Register to be kept on mining site office and licences to be kept up to date. 5. EXPLOSIVES DELIVERY AND STORAGE 5.1 Explosives Used on Site All explosive products used at OGNZL Martha Open Pit are provided by certified companies. Currently the site is supplied by Orica NZ Ltd and Davey Bickford. Comprehensive product support is available from each of these companies. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are kept on site for all products. Explosives used at OGNZL include bulk explosives (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) and emulsion), packaged bulk explosives, cast boosters and electronic detonators. If any new products are used in the future they are subject to the same risk assessment, testing and management strategies as the explosives currently in use.