Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Surface Explosives Principal Management Plan Approved by: General Manager Approval Date: 15/10/2017 Next Review: Archived OceanaGold Waihi Doc ID: WAI-350-PLN-003 Page 11 of 31 4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Site Senior Executive The Senior Site Executive (SSE) is ultimately responsible for this PHMP and ensuring operational compliance across site. 4.2 Mine Manager / Site Services Manager The Mine Manager / Site Services Manager shall be responsible for:  Ensure PHMP is understood by all personnel working in surface mining areas and used to manage hazards and risks associated with explosives;  Ensure personnel are trained in and understand the explosives management process  Appoint a Principals Representative for management of contractors  Appoint a Magazine Keeper  Engage a suitably qualified blast engineer to review initial blast plans 4.3 Drill and Blast Supervisor The Drill and Blast Supervisor, or their representative, shall be responsible for the following:  The delivery, storage and security of explosives used in surface mining operations (section 5.3)  The training of personnel who will be using these explosives (section 4.8)  The safety of all personnel who are involved in, or affected by surface blasting operations  Conduct regular task observations involving work with explosives  The design and implementation of surface blast plans (section 6.2)  The minimisation of the nuisance effects of drilling and blasting with the surface mining operations (section 6.5.2 and 9) The Drill and Blast Supervisor will appoint Approved Handlers, who must hold a current Approved Handlers Certificate (AH1 and/or AH2), and appoint persons responsible for the magazine keys. Appointments shall be made in writing and a copy can be obtained from the site office. 4.4 Magazine Keeper Magazine Keeper is responsible for explosives storage and associated documentation which includes the following:  The maintenance of all magazine housekeeping, signage and locking devices (section 5.3 and 5.4)  The display and maintenance of magazine licences, rules, emergency procedures and explosive loss/theft contract sheet and conditions (section 5.4 and 5.6)  The withdrawing, returning and the security of the magazine keys, while in their possession (section 5.3)  The management and maintenance of all magazine records (section 5.4 and 5.6)  The maintenance and upkeep of the magazines. The magazine and compounds are kept free from dry grass or other combustible or flammable materials (section 5.4) 4.5 Approved Handlers It is the responsibility of the Approved Handler to:  Provide an escort to any explosives delivery trucks on site (section 5.1)  Comply with all magazine rules (section 5.4)  Supervise the movement of any equipment within the blast area (section 6.3)  Comply with charging procedures and the issued charge plan (section 6.4)