Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Surface Explosives Principal Management Plan Approved by: General Manager Approval Date: 15/10/2017 Next Review: Archived OceanaGold Waihi Doc ID: WAI-350-PLN-003 Page 8 of 31 2.3.3 Risk Management Process The OceanaGold risk management process is shown below in Figure 2. Assessments are undertaken using the risk ranking table, risk matrix and risk management table detailed in Appendix II Identify Risk Establish the Context Analyse Risk Evaluate Risk Treat Risk Communicate & Consult Monitor & Review Risk Assessment Figure 2: Waihi Risk Management Process. At least once a year, and following any major incident on site or safety alert from another site or industry, a site wide risk register is reviewed and updated by department managers, technical specialists, mine safety representative and mine operators. This holistic review includes assessment of all significant risks concerning electricity at the mining operation. Each risk is given context, assigned a consequence and likelihood index and then plotted on the risk opportunity matrix. If the resultant risk ranking is not deemed satisfactory, a number of additional controls are introduced to bring the residual risk ranking down to an acceptable level. The risk register includes the following elements for each risk:  A description of the risk  A list of existing controls  The current consequence rating  The current likelihood ratings (with existing controls)  The resulting assessed current risk level  A list of future controls  The person accountable for control of the risk  A cross reference to the Action Management System (INX) for any future controls  The target consequence ratings  The target likelihood ratings  The resulting assessed target risk level  The last date the risk was reviewed  The foreseeable annual loss for extreme risks Refer to the risk assessment standard for details on each process step; see Appendix 1 for document details. 2.3.4 Preventative and Corrective Actions To ensure that actions designed to prevent or correct substandard acts, conditions, programs and processes, or to implement opportunities, are properly managed and executed, all operations have an Action Management System. Following the identification of deficiencies/opportunities, the system will:  Develop actions to address the root cause of the deficiency  Assign a unique identification number to facilitate tracking and close out of the issue  Assign a person(s) responsible for each action  Monitor progress against each action  Review effectiveness of the implemented action  Provide a means to identify the action has been effectively addressed and closed out