Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 33 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan Inherent Risk (Absent or failed controls/defences) Impacted Areas (Maximum reasonable consequence) Residual/Current Risk (controls present and applied) Risk # Department (Site wide available) Risk Description (What can happen) Potential Cause(s) (How / why might it happen?) Principal Hazard Impacts Consequence (Credible worst case) Likelihood Risk Level Critical Controls Current Controls Health and Safety Environmental Social Financial Reputation Compliance OceanaGold Standard Consequence (Maximum reasonable case) Likelihood Risk Level WRR0174 Site Wide Oil / grease spills from heavy machinery / maintenance / contaminated ore causing environmental effect Spills on floor of workshop (or underground) - runoff to truck wash, oil spillage during maintenance activities Mobile plant hydraulic hose failure. Refuelling spills. Component fatigue Generally small spills that are contained on site but are frequent (30 per month). Cost of cleanup and disposal. Large oil slick in settling ponds (e.g. in Oct 08). Bund and interceptor management issues identified Oct 08. Potential decrease in mill recovery rates. Contaminated soil / water / waste / ore. Environmental impact 1 A 11 Medium Hydrocarbon Management Plan, Emergency Plan, Spill kits. Inspection programme. Weekly maintenance checks and inspections. Little or no hydrocarbons in dewatering water, small spill register, large spill incidents. Awareness Training, audits Bunding around storage areas Spill response procedure Pre-start checks. Inspections and preventative maintenance programs Site runoff contingency ponds Upgrade of Favona refuelling & wash bay facilities. Mill refuelling pad bunding. 1 9.3 Used Hydrocarbons 1 B 7 Medium