Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 32 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan Inherent Risk (Absent or failed controls/defences) Impacted Areas (Maximum reasonable consequence) Residual/Current Risk (controls present and applied) Risk # Department (Site wide available) Risk Description (What can happen) Potential Cause(s) (How / why might it happen?) Principal Hazard Impacts Consequence (Credible worst case) Likelihood Risk Level Critical Controls Current Controls Health and Safety Environmental Social Financial Reputation Compliance OceanaGold Standard Consequence (Maximum reasonable case) Likelihood Risk Level WRR0043 Site Wide Onsite spill during delivery of reagents - spill not contained on site causing community outrage. Vehicle collision - accident Tank failure Packaging failure Driver / delivery procedure error negative community reaction 4 E 10 Medium Contractor management Contractor audits / inspections Certified Suppliers Designed fit for purpose transport & storage vessels Ponds and Bunding MSDS on site MRT trained in chemical spill events Comms integral to CIMS Regular site visits by emergency services Comms to address inaccurate perceptions of possible event HSNO Act Compliance Audit internal/external findings Management inspections Community perception of site 4 4 4 4 4 4 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 4 E 10 Medium WRR0105 Site Wide Gas storage explosion in stores area / cylinder valve damaged leading to projectile. Impact damage, Equipment failure, Incorrect storage and handling, Deterioration Personal injury Equipment damage Business interruption 4 E 10 Medium Reorder points in PRONTO have been modified downwards Tag out and isolation On the job training Signage Supplier refills and integrity check Preventive maintenance Statutory inspection regimes Competency based training Visual inspection Restricted access Inspection of goods on arrival Appropriate lifting gear (certified) Inspection of gas storage area on weekly sheet Appropriate storage location Bollards Bottle trolleys to move cylinders Certified storage areas Audits/inspections (external /internal) Restricted Access 4 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 4 E 10 Medium WRR0157 Site Wide Onsite spill during delivery of reagents not contained on site Vehicle collision - accident Tank failure Packaging failure Driver / delivery procedure error Environmental damage Injury - chemical burns 3 D 9 Medium Contractor management Contractor audits / inspections Certified Suppliers Designed fit for purpose transport storage vessels Ponds and Bunding MSDS on site MRT trained in chemical spill events CIMS training 3 3 3 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 3 E 6 Medium