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Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 31 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan Inherent Risk (Absent or failed controls/defences) Impacted Areas (Maximum reasonable consequence) Residual/Current Risk (controls present and applied) Risk # Department (Site wide available) Risk Description (What can happen) Potential Cause(s) (How / why might it happen?) Principal Hazard Impacts Consequence (Credible worst case) Likelihood Risk Level Critical Controls Current Controls Health and Safety Environmental Social Financial Reputation Compliance OceanaGold Standard Consequence (Maximum reasonable case) Likelihood Risk Level WRR0544 Processing Health Exposure to Ionising Radiation Equipment failure, Failure to follow procedures, Equipment housing damage Medically treated Injury Lost time Injury Permanent Disabling Injury Nervous system illness 4 C 18 High Radiation seals / enclosed shielding. Low quantities of radioactive material kept on site for density gauges. Warning signage. Restricted work zones & distance. Radiation Inspections & monitoring Protective housing (engineered to withstand fire, falls, and explosions) WAI-253-FOR-003 Radiation Safety Plan for Industrial Gauging WAI-470-PRO-003 Radiation Permit and Work procedure. WAI-470-FOR-003 Radiation Permit WAI-457-PRO-001 Wipe test on fixed Radiation Gauges WAI-250-PLN-002 Worker Health Principle Control Plan Radiation Safety Officer & Principal License Holder. Site Induction Information. Process Mill Induction & area familiarisation. Stop & Think and JHA process. Toolbox Meetings. Work Area inspections. Task Observations. 4 8.9 Hazardous Materials & Chemical Substances 4 E 10 Medium WRR0250 Mining - Surface Radiation sources Fire Damage by heavy construction equipment Uncontrolled release of radioactive material due to housing damage Personnel exposure to radiation 1 E 1 Low Radiation Management Plan Minor quantities of radioactive material kept on site for density gauges National Radiation Laboratory Audits & Licensing Internal Auditing Signage Site has appointed Radiation Safety Officer & Principal Licensee Inspections & monitoring Protective housing (engineered to withstand fire, falls, crushing, and explosions) Training 1 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 1 E 1 Low WSW11 Site Wide Health Radiation - ionising (alpha, beta, neutrons, gamma, xray) Skin damage Blood Changes Sterility Genetic Defects Cancer Long term illness, carcinogenic 5 E 15 High Restricted area / access Sealed gauges Radiation training and induction Radiation Permit before commencing work Radiation Register Radiation sources sign-posted Wipe test External Audits Radiation officer Regular Maintenance Program 2 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 4 E 10 Medium