Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 29 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan Inherent Risk (Absent or failed controls/defences) Impacted Areas (Maximum reasonable consequence) Residual/Current Risk (controls present and applied) Risk # Department (Site wide available) Risk Description (What can happen) Potential Cause(s) (How / why might it happen?) Principal Hazard Impacts Consequence (Credible worst case) Likelihood Risk Level Critical Controls Current Controls Health and Safety Environmental Social Financial Reputation Compliance OceanaGold Standard Consequence (Maximum reasonable case) Likelihood Risk Level WRR0142 Processing Chemical Exposure Pipeline failure Spillage Delivery errors System failure Lack of knowledge / training Failure to wear appropriate PPE Failure to follow procedures Overflow Tank failure Lost time Injury Equipment damage Business interruption 4 C 18 High SOP's Approved handlers Hazchem Awareness training Supervision PPE Engineering controls Secondary containment Bunding External audits Equipment inspections and maintenance Safety showers Eye wash Signage HSNO certification Mines Rescue team First aid training Chemical specific training Induction / assessment training of delivery drivers Liaison with chemical suppliers Specialised cleaning contractor Closure plan Cyanide decontamination plan Audit of structure - concrete Cyanide code compliance Diphoterine Planned maintenance Fixed and personal gas monitors Permit to work systems SDS 3 3 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 3 D 9 Medium WRR0242 Processing Radiation exposure Fire Dropped/damaged device Uncontrolled release of radioactive material Personnel exposure to radiation 1 E 1 Low Radiation Management Plan Minor quantities of radioactive material kept on site for density gauges Internal Auditing Signage Radiation Safety Officer & Principal Licensee Inspections & monitoring Protective housing (engineered to withstand fire, falls, and explosions) Training National Radiation Laboratory Audits & Licensing 1 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 1 E 1 Low WRR0476 Processing Hydrochloric Acid - Delivery, Storage and Use Spillage, contact with personnel Personal injury or health effects 3 E 6 Medium Isolation - Bunded Storage, Splash guards for pumps, pipes Engineering - Scrubber, Tank Certification. Process automation & instrumentation, bunging, drainage and sump pumping, Automated re-order to prevent overfilling, Materials of construction, Locked delivery point with unique key, Preventative Maintenance PPE - Splash proof goggles, rubber gloves (full length) Rubber boots, Administrative -Delivery drivers training, delivery checklist, inductions, manuals, SOP's audits, HSNO compliance, Diphoterine, Emergency PPE boxes located near reagent filling points. 3 8.9 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Substances 3 E 6 Medium