Supporting Technical Assessments

Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 16 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan NOTE: - Under current legislation we are not required to keep an inventory for consumer products used in amounts similar to domestic use. Contact the HSE team who will advise if a product doesn’t need to be recorded in ChemAlert. 7.3 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) The Supervisor and Department Manager must ensure that SDS are readily accessible to all employees potentially at risk from hazardous substances used or produced in the workplace and that any high risk (code red) substances have SDS available near the storage and or use of the substance. SDS hard copies are available in two locations (First Aid Room Mines Rescue Building and HSE Administrators Office) plus a copy is held by the Mines Rescue Team. SDS are to be within 5 years currency of issue date unless the product is deemed “obsolete” i.e. no longer being manufactured however is still in use. Colour risk rating system – Green (low) / Amber (medium) / Red (high). 7.4 Transportation of Hazardous Substances The Waihi Operations and their contractors shall handle and transport dangerous goods in accordance with the Land Transport Rule – Dangerous Goods 2005 (when transported by road), and those substances shall be handled in accordance with the label and SDS directions applicable to that substance, including; • Appropriate paperwork is completed prior to transport, and held by the driver • Appropriate class placards shall be displayed whenever dangerous goods are transported. • Appropriate Dangerous Goods endorsements will be held by drivers • Appropriate license classes will be held by the driver, appropriate to the weight/class of vehicle used • Regular audits will be carried out to ensure compliance with this. 7.5 Labelling of Hazardous Substances A person who supplies a hazardous substance for use at a Waihi Operations site must ensure that any container of the hazardous substance is appropriately labelled in accordance with the Hazardous Substances (Identification) Regulations 2001 and that the label is not removed, defaced or altered. The user must ensure that any such label: a) clearly identifies the hazardous substance; b) sets out the name, address and telephone numbers (including the 24 hour emergency number), of the NZ distributor or supplier (refer Hazardous Substances (Identification) Regulations 2001); c) discloses the hazardous substances name of each type I ingredient; d) discloses the hazardous substances name of each type II ingredient or, if the identity of the ingredient is commercially confidential, its generic name; and e) provides basic health and safety information about the substance, including any relevant risk phrases and safety phrases. NOTE: - If the container to be labelled is so small that it is not practicable to include all the particulars it is sufficient if the label complies with a) and b). A container into which a hazardous substance is decanted for use within the next 12 hours (continuous) needs only be labelled with the product name and the relevant risk phrases and safety phrases and a container into which a hazardous substance is decanted for immediate use need not be labelled, so long as it is cleaned immediately after it has been emptied of the substance. 7.6 Storing Hazardous Substances The Waihi Operations shall store and require its contractors to store, while on a OceanaGold controlled Operations site, hazardous substances according to the requirements of the relevant Legislation, Codes, Standards and Safety Data Sheet (SDS). No product shall be used or brought onto an OceanaGold controlled site until a current Safety Data Sheet is available for the product (i.e. the date shown on the SDS should ideally NOT be older than five years). The SDS must be readily accessible at the point of storage, usage or decanting for all high-risk chemicals. Storage areas are to be constructed according to applicable Australian and/or New Zealand Standards. For example: AS 1940 - Storage and Handling of Flammable Substances and Dangerous Goods; and AS/NZS 1841 (Set) - Portable Fire Extinguishers. Hazardous Substances storage areas and entrances to the site and buildings shall include signage appropriate to the class of substance being stored and/or used in that area.