Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 15 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan All Waihi Operations Employees and Contractors • Follow instruction on SDS for all hazardous substances. • Do not bring any unapproved substances onto site. • Do not use unapproved substances. • Obtain appropriate approval using the Product or Chemical Evaluation Assessment Form 7 PROCEDURE 7.1 Process for a New or Change of Hazardous Substances No hazardous substances are to be introduced to Waihi Operations without an assessment being carried out with approval from the Department and HSE Manager on the Product or Chemical Evaluation Assessment Form. Priority is given (where possible) to sourcing alternative substances of a non-hazardous nature. Waihi Operations will pursue the reduction of hazardous substances used in the workplace and endeavour to use less hazardous substances where practicable and possible. Waihi Operations shall purchase hazardous substances suitable for use on site without the need for decanting and with appropriate labels already attached. The product evaluation assessment will include: 1. Details – Intended use, frequency of use, application, amount, location 2. HSNO Classification – (Certified Handlers, triggers levels for legislative requirements etc) 3. Risk Assessment – assesses the level of exposure to personal, public, environment, storage, security 4. Controls – determines the controls to manage the risks 5. Other requirements – training, spillage requirements 6. An NZ-compliant SDS attached 7. Approval If approved, the requesting person shall be notified to action the requesting process for the hazardous substances to be purchased and brought onto site. First aid items and personal protective equipment is to be available prior to use, along with ensuring appropriate legal and consent conditions are met. Training, information on safe handling, storage, emergency response, spillage control, waste disposal and environmental considerations must be obtained prior to use. A register of hazardous substance is maintained in the ChemAlert database. The Principal’s Representatives, appointed to manage contractors, must ensure that all hazardous substances to be used by contractors are subject to the Waihi Operations hazardous substances approval process. 7.2 Hazardous Substance Register - ChemAlert The ChemAlert database is used to record and maintain the register of hazardous substances / products used on site. Products are listed by Department, then Area, with the volume held. Once a hazardous substance is approved the suppliers/manufacturers SDS are provided to ChemAlert if it is not currently in the database. New products are analysed and a ChemAlert SDS. Suppliers/Manufacturers SDS are also available and linked in the database. ChemAlert SDS are colour rated, green, amber or red. Search functions allow for both of the general database and stockholdings is available along with a variety of reports. ChemAlert provides information on: • Identification – Name, UN Codes, CAS number Storage location • Suppliers/Manufacturers name • Volumes - measurement • Classification - Hazards • Emergency – Information / response guide • Reports – Manufacturers SDS, holdings, compatibility, labels, risk assessments • Alerts – compatibility when adding a product/hazardous substance