Supporting Technical Assessments

381_M_05_Rev0 - WUG Monitoring and Testing Program 6 3.4.1. CONSTANT HEAD/RATE TESTS Constant head and rate tests will involve maintaining the water level in the shallow piezometer at a constant level greater than the static level by injecting/pumping water into the well at constant or variable rate. The key objective will be the monitoring of variations at the VWPs located at varied depths below the standpipe and assess the connectivity between aquifer levels. 3.4.2. INFILTRATION TEST AND STREAMBED CONDUCTANCE Infiltration tests will be conducted at dedicated near-stream locations and streambed conductance measured within streambeds. The parameter obtained will be included in the numerical models to assist with the calibration of model parameters for assessing the potential impacts of dewatering on streams, assuming the connectivity between the stream and the deep aquifer is established. Please contact the undersigned, should you require additional information or further clarification regarding this memorandum. Yours sincerely Alexis Valenza Principal Hydrogeologist Tel: +61 (0) 423 305 420 Email: [email protected] Office: 101/620 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Incl: Attachment A, Monitoring and Testing Timeline Attachment B, Groundwater Monitoring Locations Maps