Supporting Technical Assessments

SECTION 4 Assessment of Effects C:\D Data\GWS C Drive\GWS\Client Files\1344 OGL - WKP\4 Deliverables\WKP Final Draft Report\June Report\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0030. Final_Rev_0.docx 40 Figure 34 Schematic Showing the Groundwater System Structure Relative to the Rooting Zone It is clear that shallow rooting plants (e.g. understory plants) only obtain water from the soil water zone. Larger plants and trees can root deeper, however, these are generally tap roots that do not provide water. Based on a number of studies (Phillips, 2005) indigenous plant species in New Zealand, including the tallest forest species, rarely root to a depth beyond 2 m. Given that dewatering is not expected to affect the Regolith soils or interflow, it will not impede on plants ability to propagate and grow. This has been observed at other locations within the Coromandel including 35 year’s experience in Waihi.