Supporting Technical Assessments

Approved by: Process Manager Approval Date: 16/12/2021 Next Review: 16/122023 OceanaGold Waihi Document ID: WAI-250-PLN-003 Page 9 of 44 Hazardous Substances Management Plan 4.3 Risk Assessment Process 4.3.1 Training and Competency Department managers must ensure that all personnel are trained and assessed as competent in the identification of safety, environmental & community hazards, losses, issues and impacts and assessing the level of associated risk. OGNZL are required to ensure that the risk assessment process is conducted in a consistent manner by personnel who are experienced in the individual process/activity or hazard being assessed. 4.3.2 Hazard Identification Risks are typically associated with events resulting from hazards within a given system. Risk identification involves a detailed review of the system under study to identify the type of energies and associated hazards that are present. Once these hazards are understood, a systematic process to identify the associated risks needs to be followed. There are various techniques available for the identification of hazards as follows: • Experience/judgment – experienced personnel at all levels provide a sound basis for hazard identification • Checklists – provide hazards that are common to a particular task or system • Legislation and OceanaGold Standards - legislation, industry and company standards reflect collective knowledge and experience, accumulated on a broad operational and historic basis • Accident/Incident investigation – often accident/incident investigations identify hazards that require management action Hazards may also be identified using any of the following methods: • Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) • Preliminary hazard assessment • Team based risk assessments • Workplace inspections • Health hazard assessments • Internal/external audits • Environmental monitoring • Community complaints and consultation • Internal/external audits • Pre-shift meetings • Stop and Think • Task observations • Health and safety meetings and committees • Accident and incident investigations • Hazard reports • Social impact assessments