Supporting Technical Assessments

Attachments: Additional Figures and Tables Figure A-1 – WKP upper catchment logger and tributary locations Table A-1: GPS Locations Location Latitude Longitude T Stream West – upstream North branch Pool A – upstream track Pool B – at track (adjacent old pump location) S37.29673 S37.29677 E175.81467 E175.81522 T Stream West – upstream South branch S37.297960 E175.81541 T Stream West S37.297269 E175.815946 T Stream East S37.297171 E175.816956 Edmonds Stream (confluence with WKP) S37.297752 E175.819334 Helipad - North S37.294367 E175.819248 ‘warm spring’ S37.294100 E175.823987 Trib R S37.293385 E175.824654 WKP3 S37.292848 E175.825207 Adams Stream S37.292198 E175.825238 WKP2 S37.290590 E175.829860 Thompson Stream S37.288942 E175.833283 Thompson ds trib S37.285935 E175.833825 WKP1 S37.266089 E175.834505