Supporting Technical Assessments

Table 1. Site visit summary. Associated Figures provided in Table A-2 Location Site Access Monitoring locations T Stream West – upstream North branch Pool A – upstream track Pool B – at track (adjacent removed pump location) Relatively easy access. Stream is crossed by existing track. There is a pool near the track crossing or a site further upstream that could be used. May experience bed changes during flood events Figure A-2 & Figure A-3 T Stream West – upstream South branch Steep access, especially near the Stream channel. A better route or rope required to improve access. Reasonably close to the North branch locations A deep pool with bedrock and boulder control. Potentially good location. A pipe mounted from the bank likely better than a waratah mounted instrument. Figure A-4 Edmonds Stream Access to Edmonds Stream by walking down WKP stream from TStream_East location. Access therefore similar to upstream logger location and not far from the route currently used during site visits. Site just upstream confluence with WPK Stream Shallow pools upstream confluence. Access easy once at Stream. Pool control may change during large flow events Figure A-5 Trib R Location just upstream WKP3 location. Access on right bank easy Shallow pool immediately upstream confluence. The control appears stable. Figure A-6 Thompson Stream Access from WKP track through bush, then across the WKP Stream. Once at Thomspon Stream access easy Shallow pools upstream confluence. Pool control may change during large flow events Figure A-7 Site Visit Summary Access conditions are similar to the existing monitoring locations. All the tributary sites have been previously visited and the flow measured. The T-Stream South Branch location will require either a better access route or ropes. Some sites will require the WKP main channel to be crossed. All the proposed monitoring locations have adequate locations for continuously monitoring, although some bed movement/changes can be expected during large flood events. This is expected for such steep gradient mountain streams. The South Branch and Trib R location appear the most stable. GHD (Section 2.1) Monitoring recommendations - Discussion The following comments are in relation to the recommendations in Section 2.1 of the GHD memo. The comments are intended as part of a “considered discussion” and not specifically as recommendations. In-situ ultra-sonic measurement is unlikely to be realistic. Although it will assist with deriving mid to high stage flow values, target flows are low flows. Most locations are shallow, and during low flow conditions the flow velocities in the deeper Stream section’s will be low. These