Supporting Technical Assessments

12552081 6 unverified information, including errors and omissions in the report which were caused by errors or omissions in that information. The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on information obtained from, and testing undertaken at or in connection with, specific sample points. Site conditions at other parts of the site may be different from the site conditions found at the specific sample points. Investigations undertaken in respect of this report are constrained by the particular site conditions, such as the location of buildings, services and vegetation. As a result, not all relevant site features and conditions may have been identified in this report. Site conditions (including the presence of hazardous substances and/or site contamination) may change after the date of this Report. GHD does not accept responsibility arising from, or in connection with, any change to the site conditions. GHD is also not responsible for updating this report if the site conditions change. GHD has not been involved in the preparation of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), prepared by Mitchell Daysh and has had no contribution to, or review of the AEE other than in this technical report for water management. GHD shall not be liable to any person for any error in, omission from, or false or misleading statement in, any other part of the AEE. The GHD document containing the disclaimer is to be included in any other document, the entirety of GHD’s report must be used (including the disclaimers contained herein), as opposed to reproductions or inclusions solely of sections of GHD’s report. The GHD document containing the disclaimer is to be included in any other document, the entirety of GHD’s report must be used (including the disclaimers contained herein), as opposed to reproductions or inclusions solely of sections of GHD’s report.