Supporting Technical Assessments

12552081 3 bed. Conversely, alternative less invasive methods (compared to weirs and flumes) such as ultrasonic flow sensors are not considered suitable for the relatively shallow water reaches. The development of a reference site, against which the variation in water level in the other monitored sites can be compared was discussed during the site walk over. It was considered that in terms of accuracy, TStream West is the most suitable location due to its location in a relatively wide and deep pool with a suitable nearby manual gauging location allowing a relatively high degree of accuracy in developing a flow / stage relationship. Real time data collection and analysis is likely to be a consenting requirement during the active mining operations. It is therefore recommended that sites be telemetered where this is considered feasible. Real time data availability is not necessary required during the baseline data collection (pre-mining phase) but is a likely requirement once mining begins. At a minimum data from the proposed reference site – T-Stream West should be available via telemetry. Due to T-Stream Wests location relative to the climate station, proposed Piezo #9 and proposed surface water monitoring locations #A and #B, consideration should be given to making data from all these sites available via the same telemetry node. Other locations can possibly be telemetered in a similar fashion alongside adjacent or nearby piezometric installations. In addition, it is recommended that the in-catchment rainfall gauge be reinstated as soon as possible as developing rainfall / flow relationships will be a critical factor in monitoring compliance during mining. Consideration of measuring evaporation rates within the catchment should also be given as evaporation is potentially a significant contributor to low flow volumes during the dryer summer period. Figure 1 Approximate Surface Water (and Piezometer) Monitoring Locations (Current and Proposed) All current and recommended locations, their specific purpose and site-specific notes are outline in Table 1. It is noted that the Radon sampling carried out has indicated groundwater input into these sub-catchment areas. Co-ordinates given are approximate (-/+ 50 m). Where two sets of co-ordinates are given, both these locations are considered suitable.