Supporting Technical Assessments

WKP Visit December 2020 Table 2a. WKP gauging summary. Gaugings by WSP. WSP – Palmer Location Date End time (NZST) Flow (L/s) Water Temp °C Method Comments WS 14-Dec 08:20 3.5 20.0 Vol Hot Pool Water temp 20.0°C. Flow measured the next day at 3.5L/s WKP3 14-Dec 09:03 95.2 14.3 FT Gauged same location previous visit. Good WPK2 14-Dec 10:41 120.9 15.0 FT Gauged same location previous visit. Good Adams 14-Dec 09:30 6.0 13.5 FT Narrow / shallow section – poor/fair Trib R 14-Dec 07:50 4.7 13.1 FT Narrow / shallow section – poor Thompson 14-Dec 11:25 12.7 14.2 FT Narrow / shallow & variable section – poor. 20m upstream confluence Thompson ds trib 14-Dec 11:50 1.6 - FT/EST Velocity measure and averaged, and crosssection measured to estimate flow. 40m upstream confluence. Poor THS2 14-Dec 13:08 8.5 14.6 FT Main stem of upper Thompson. Narrow / shallow section – poor. Measured 5m upstream confluence THS3 14-Dec 12:55 1.9 - FT/Est Right branch side trib. Velocity measured and averaged, and cross-section measured to estimate flow. Measured 5m upstream confluence THS1 14-Dec 13:00 10.6 - - This site not measured. THS3 flow low and lack of time to complete another full gauging. Flow determined by combining THS2 & THS3 (10.6L/s) WS 15-Dec 06:40 3.5 - Vol Hot Pool 15L over 3 seconds +20% for losses Trib S 15-Dec 07:20 0.9 - Vol 4L over 4.5 seconds. Measured 40m upstream track Trib T 15-Dec 07:40 0.01 - Est A trickle of water Trib U 15-Dec 07:45 0.05 - Est A trickle of water Trib V 15-Dec 07:50 Dry - Est Creek incised under track. Trib W 15-Dec 07:55 0.05 - Est A trickle of water. Area pugged up. Trib X 15-Dec 08:08 Wet - Est Water pooled, no obvious flow Trib Y 15-Dec 08:20 0.3 - Est Two branches close together 0.1L/s in one and 0.2L/s estimated in the other WKP1 15-Dec 09:45 164.0 15.8 FT Gauged same location as previous visits. Good WKP0 15-Dec 11:11 173.3 17.2 FT Gauged 50m upstream Lignite confluence. Good LS1 15-Dec 12:23 66.2 17.7 FT Gauged 40m upstream WKP confluence. Fair-Good Note. FT = Flow tracker, Vol = volumetric, Est = estimated.