Supporting Technical Assessments

WKP Visit December 2020 Table 2a to Table 2c summarises the flow gauging results for all locations by team. Table 3 provides further gauging and reference information for the long-term logger sites and Table 4 summarises the flow recorded at the long-term sites by visit since January 2019. The December 2020 flows are considerably higher than they were for the low flow assessments in January and May 2020 (Table 4) It should be noted that measurement error is associated with the sites presented in Table 2c, with these flow estimates considered unreliable. The Waiharakeke left branch flow measured at WS1 and WS4 (Table 2b) are considerably lower than for the upstream sites of WS5 and WS6 (Table 2c). GPS locations are provided for most sites in Table 5a and Table 5b. Appended are photographs for some of the gauging locations visited. Due to the nature of the sites measured (shallow, narrow, stony/boulders, variable depths, velocities) many of the measurements would be considered to be “fair”. Further information to that in the Tables can be provided if required. Figure 1. Wharekirauponga hydrometric sites, with approximate sub-region locations outlined. Source OGL.