Supporting Technical Assessments

Cover 1
Supporting Technical Assessments 1
Tailings Storage and Rock Disposal 18
Gladstone Pit TSF Design Repor 128
Peer Review of GOP TSF Resource Consent Technical Report 201
Proposed Tailings Storage Facility Storage 3 RL155 203
Northern Rock Stack RL173 Proposed Rock Disposal Facility 482
TSF3 Dam Breach Assessment 700
Willows Farm Stormwater Management Report 818
Tailings & Rock Storage Functional Need Assessment 851
Gladstone Open Pit Geotechnical Assessment 872
Willows Rock Stack and Surface Facilities Geotechnical Assessment 1562
Geotechnical Assessment Underground Mine and Tunnels 1718
Ground Settlement Report 1975
Geochemical Assessment - Geochemistry of Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation 2189
Preliminary Site Investigation (Ground Contamination) 2741
Tonkin & Taylor (2022) - Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment (Waihi Facilities) 2862