Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9215 23 June 2022 Page 62 This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. TABLE 8. SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCORING CRITERIA Subcategory Description Criteria for Scoring Social impact Social consequences associated with construction and operation of the tailings and open pit mine overburden disposal facilities Low social impact: score=5, Moderate social impact: score=3, High social impact: score =0 Mana Whenua Engagement, consultation and consideration of mana whenua values Engagement and consultation with mana whenua, cultural assessment undertaken, project takes into consideration mana whenua values as far as practical: score =5, Engagement and consultation with mana whenua, no cultural assessment undertaken, project only partly considers mana whenua values, score =3, No engagement or consultation with mana whenua or does not fit with manu whenua values: score =0 Economic Economic benefit for the community and other parties Project has considerable economic benefit for the local community (residents and local businesses) as well as to other parties (e.g., suppliers, contractors, consultants): score=5, Project has some economic benefit to the local community as well as to other parties (e.g., suppliers, contractors, consultants): score=3, Minimal economic benefit to the community and other parties: score=0 Recreation Impact of project on recreational opportunities and users Project has no impact on recreational users and may provide new recreational opportunities: score =5, Minor impact on recreational opportunities and users: score=3, Significant impact on recreational opportunities and users: score=0 Regulatory Approval Ability to obtain regulatory approval Project has minor effects and regulatory approval is anticipated without appeal: score=5, Project has effects, but they can be avoided or mitigated such that Regulatory approval is anticipated: score=3, Project has effects which cannot be avoided or mitigated, and it is unlikely that the project will obtain regulatory approval: score=0 Archaeological/ heritage Identification and significance, and measures proposed to avoid or mitigate effects Formal study undertaken to identify and classify significance of archaeological/historical sites. No sites of significance identified, or measures undertaken to avoid so there is no impact: score=5, Formal study undertaken, and significant sites identified and will be affected, although measures to mitigate are proposed: score=3, No formal study undertaken, or formal study undertaken, and significant sites identified and will be destroyed, or no mitigation proposed: score=0.