Supporting Technical Assessments

WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0056 Revision 0 Page 16 of 21 Waihi North Project – Tailings and Rock Storage – Functional Need Assessment 3.1.1 Need for TSF3 for tailings storage Having considered all available alternative tailings storage locations and technologies the company has concluded that the TSF3 configuration proposed in the WNP application is not only the preferred option but is the only realistic option having regard to available technologies, cost, and environmental risk. The TSF3 option also offers: • Known technology with a successful track record of over 30 years in the location selected and using engineers with deep knowledge gained from designing and overseeing the construction and operation practices of the two existing facilities since 1987. • Corresponding long-standing geotechnical studies dating back to 1994 through to 2021, including a deep sterilization hole completed in 2017. • Existing land ownership after the land for TSF3 construction was approved by the government under the Overseas Investment Act for that purpose under the benefit to New Zealand test, and on the condition that a resource consent application would be made.