Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9215 23 June 2022 Page 60 This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. TABLE 7. ENVIRONMENTAL SCORING CRITERIA Subcategory Description Criteria for Scoring Terrestrial ecosystem Impact on terrestrial ecosystem considering design, construction, operation, closure, and post closure concepts Impacts on terrestrial ecosystem associated with constructed facility are limited and off-site impacts are controlled: score=5, Some on-site impacts and controlled but small-moderate impacts offsite: score=3, Significant on-site impacts and high off-site impacts: score=0 Aquatic ecosystem Impact on aquatic ecosystem considering design, construction, operation, and closure concepts Impacts on aquatic ecosystem associated with constructed facility are limited and off-site impacts are controlled: score=5, Some on-site impacts and controlled but small-moderate effects off-site: score=3, There are some on-site impacts and high off-site: score=0 Groundwater Impact on groundwater quality and ground water resources and users (e.g., wells used to extract ground water for farming, industrial or domestic purposes) Impacts are controlled with conventional and proven design concepts and existing controls are proven to be effective: score=5, Unconventional design concepts, or control possible but some uncertainty about effectiveness: score=3, No effective control measures and impact is high: score=0 Surface water Impact on surface water quality and surface water resources and users (e.g., recreational users, water taken from streams and rivers for farming, industrial or domestic purposes) Impacts are controlled with conventional and proven design concepts and existing controls are proven to be effective: score=5, Unconventional design concepts, or control possible but some uncertainty about effectiveness: score=3, No effective control measures and impact is high: score=0 Impact on SNA Area affected and quality and unique characteristics of the SNA Does not impact SNA: score =5, Moderate impact on SNA (less than 4Ha impacted) and SNA does not have unique or highquality characteristics: score=3, Significant impact on SNA (greater than 4 Ha impacted) and SNA has unique and/or high-quality characteristics: score =0 Dust Proximity to affected parties and measures to control hazard Control measures are required, historical performance demonstrates that air discharge standards can be achieved, there have been no complaints from affected neighbours; score =5, Control measures are required, but there is no history to demonstrate that air quality standards can be achieved: score =3, No control measures are in place to control dust: score=0