Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9215 23 June 2022 Page 59 This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. TABLE 6. TECHNICAL SCORING CRITERIA Subcategory Description Criteria for Scoring Future ore resource The potential of the site as future source of ore or for other facilities No potential for ore or for other uses: score=5, No potential for ore, some interference with future expansion of mine facilities: score=3, Located near future sources of ore and some interference with future expansion of mine facilities: score=0 Geotechnical Stability of TSF embankment and seepage control Downstream construction, good foundations, meets modern stability performance criteria: score=5, Downstream construction, foundations vulnerable to softening under design earthquake loading, meets modern stability performance criteria or centreline construction, good foundations, meets modern stability performance criteria: score=3, Poor foundations, does not meet modern stability performance criteria: score=0 Geochemical Control measures to prevent and mitigate acid mine drainage and consequences Design concepts with proven track record to prevent and mitigate acid mine drainage and consequences: score=5, Design concepts proposed but no proven track record: score=3, No effective control measures: score=0 Constructability Practicality of construction taking account of proposed design, site conditions and materials available for construction Design, site conditions (e.g., weather) and construction materials do not significantly affect constructability: score=5, Design, site conditions and construction materials could affect ability to construct or meet construction program: score=3, Serious doubt as to whether can construct and/or meet construction program: score=0 Operability Ability to operate facility in all site conditions and without interference from other site functions Can operate in all site conditions and without interference from other site functions: score=5, Some restriction or stoppage of operations maybe necessary at times: score=3, Frequent restrictions, or potential for lengthy stoppage of operations: score=0 Storage capacity and expansion potential Ability to meet project storage requirements and to be expanded if necessary Meets project schedule storage requirements with ability to be expanded: score=5, Meets project schedule storage requirements but cannot be expanded: score=3, Does not meet project schedule storage requirements and cannot be expanded: score=0 Project schedule Ability to meet project scheduling requirements for tailings and open pit overburden rock Fully meets project scheduling requirements: score=5, Meets either tailings or waste rock scheduling but not both: score=3, Doesn’t meet project scheduling requirements: score=0