Supporting Technical Assessments

| Hydrology and Catchments | Stormwater Management Plan | 2210835-1190907474-109 | 21/06/2022 | 3 Sensitivity: General 3 Hydrology and Catchments The existing site is currently a greenfields pasture site for livestock. All stormwater currently drains either by infiltration or overland flow paths to existing watercourses. The site has been split into six catchments with sub catchments (based on the post-development design) within them. Refer below. Five catchments drain east to the Mataura Stream, which forms the eastern border of site, while one catchment drains to the west of site. The Mataura Stream outlets into the Ohinemuri River. Figure 2 provides the catchments in the post-developed scenario, with the five catchments further broken down into the undeveloped and developed areas and can also be found as a larger sketch in Appendix A. Table 1 provides a description of each catchment in its pre- and post-development scenario. Figure 1. Pre-development catchments.