Supporting Technical Assessments

EGL Ref: 9215 23 June 2022 Page 56 This report shall only be read in its entirety. File: WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0002_Rev0.docx. They are shown in Figure 30 (Fig A2) and are described below. They are all currently active and material in these stockpiles is the source of fill for future raising of Storage 1A and Storage 2. Northern Stockpile The Northern Stockpile is located immediately north of Storage 2. It is used for temporary storage of NAF material. It can continue to be used in the future and can be extended further northwards to provide additional storage capacity (refer to section Central Stockpile The Central Stockpile is located at the junction between Storage 1A and Storage 2. It is used for temporary storage of PAF material. It can continue to be used in the future. East Stockpile The East Stockpile is located on the northeast side of Storage 1A. It overlies the downstream shoulder of the Storage 1A embankment and currently stores predominantly PAF material. It has potential for future expansion, but this is dependent on whether the area to the east of Storage 1A is developed as a future tailings storage facility. There is also an existing stockpile immediately north of the Process Plant. It is known as the Polishing Pond Stockpile. It has been used to store ore and rock from development of underground mines. It has a capacity of about 0.6 Mm3. 9.2.6. New rock stacks New rock stacks could be developed at several locations that are shown in Figure A3. They are discussed in the following sections. North of Storage 2 A rock stack can be constructed north of Storage 2 in the same locality as a potential TSF. Geotechnical investigations and feasibility designs have been prepared. It would be an extension of the existing Northern Stockpile. It could be developed for storage of PAF material, if necessary, provided appropriate controls were put in place (e.g. low permeability base liner, outer sealing layer, leachate collection drains). East of Storage 1A A rock stack can be constructed east of Storage 1A. It would occupy the same footprint as the proposed Storage 3 TSF. Geotechnical investigations and pre-feasibility designs have been prepared