Supporting Technical Assessments

Part H – Technical Assessments 2 Report # Author Topic Title Reference within AEE 8 OGNZL Functional Need Assessment Waihi North Project – Tailings and Rock Storage – Functional Need Assessment OGNZL (2022) Geotechnical 9 PSM GOP Geotechnical Waihi North Project - Gladstone Pit - Geotechnical Assessment PSM (2022) 10 WSP Willows Rock Stack Design and Options Assessment Waihi North Project - Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Willows Rock Stack and Surface Facilities Geotechnical Assessment WSP (2022a) 11 WSP WUG Geotech Engineering and Development Waihi North Project - Geotechnical Assessment Underground Mine and Tunnels WSP (2022b) 12 Engineering Geology Limited Ground Settlement Waihi North Project - Ground Settlement Assessment EGL (2022) Geochemistry 13 AECOM Geochemistry Waihi North Project Geochemical Assessment - Geochemistry of Tailings and Overburden, Treatment and Mitigation AECOM (2022) Contaminated Land