Supporting Technical Assessments

Table 6. Determination of Potential Impact Classification (PIC) (Table 3.1, NZDSG, Ref. 1) Assessed damage level Population at Risk (PAR) 0 1 to 10 11 to 100 More than 100 Catastrophic High potential impact High High High Major Medium potential impact Medium/High (see note 4) High High Moderate Low potential impact Low/Medium/High (see notes 3 and 4) Medium/High (see note 4) Medium/High (see notes 2 and 4) Minimal Low potential impact Low/Medium/High (see notes 1, 3, and 4) Low/Medium/High (see notes 1, 3, and 4) Low/Medium/High (see notes 1, 3, and 4) Notes: 1. With a PAR of 5 or more people, it is unlikely that the potential impact will be low. 2. With a PAR of more than 100 people, it is unlikely that the potential impact will be medium. 3. Use a medium classification if it is highly likely that a life will be lost. 4. Use a high classification if it is highly likely that 2 or more lives will be lost.