Supporting Technical Assessments

Table 5. Categories of Damage for Assessing PIC (Table 2.2, NZDSG, Ref. 1) Damage level Specified categories Residential dwellings1 Critical or major infrastructure2 Natural environment Community recovery time Damage Time to restore to operation3 Catastrophic More than 50 dwellings destroyed Extensive and widespread destruction of and damage to several major infrastructure components More than 1 year Extensive and widespread damage Many years Major 4 to 49 dwellings destroyed and a number of dwellings damaged Extensive destruction of and damage to more than 1 major infrastructure component Up to 12 months Heavy damage and costly restoration Years Moderate 1 to 3 dwellings destroyed and some damaged Significant damage to at least 1 major infrastructure component Up to 3 months Significant but recoverable damage Months Minimal Minor damage Minor damage to major infrastructure components Up to 1 week Short-term damage Days to weeks Notes: 1. In relation to residential dwellings, destroyed means rendered uninhabitable. 2. Includes: a) lifelines (power supply, water supply, gas supply, transportations systems, wastewater treatment, telecommunications (network mains and nodes rather than local connections)); and b) emergency facilities (hospitals, police, fire services); and c) large industrial, commercial, or community facilities, the loss of which would have a significant impact on the community; and d) the dam, if the service the dam provides is critical to the community and that service cannot be provided by alternative means. 3. Estimated time required to repair the damage sufficiently to return the critical or major infrastructure to normal operation